*Before you begin, you must have an opened loan file that was created within Encompass Web.
Step 1: In the left side bar, select the "All Services" menu.
Step 2: In the upper right hand corner of that page, select "Order Services."
Step 3: In the pop up window, select "LodeStar Closing Cost Calculator" from the "Closing Fees" category and click "Next".
Step 4: LodeStar's Loan Estimate calculator will appear with the information from your loan file already entered. Select your Title Agent within the "Service Title Agent" dropdown and click "Calculate."
Step 5: The closing cost details will appear with title fees, insurance premiums, transfer taxes, and municipal recording fees. Click "Export to Encompass" to load fees into LO Connect. The fees will appear in the "Fee Itemization," the service provider will appear in the "Settlement Service Provider List," and a copy of the fee sheet placed in the "Document Folder."