Below are steps on how to change the name of your LodeStar Quote within the eFolder. Please make sure you have set up your LodeStar integration with Encompass Web first before taking the steps below.
Step 1. Once you have signed into Encompass Web, go to "Services" within the "Admin" center:
Step 2. Click on "Services", then "Services Management":
Step 3. You will see "LodeStar Closing Cost Calculator" (if you don't see this you will need to set up LodeStar within Encompass Web first). Then, click on the three dots and select "Document Mapping":
Step 4: Within the "LodeStar Closing Cost Calculator Document Mapping", under "Inbound (From Provider to Encompass)", you will see the "Document Type" name:
Step 5: Under "Document Types", enter in "Quote for Settlement/Attorney Fees". Under "eFolder Document Folder" this is where you will enter in what you'd like to name LodeStar's PDF quote document when it is exported into Encompass. *You are able to type in a name and add it if you don't see it in the dropdown*
Step 6: Last step is to click "Save" in the bottom righthand corner.
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