Below are the steps on how to set up LodeStar within LendingPad. You will need to do these steps before running a quote using LodeStar.
Step 1: Login to LendingPad. You will need system administrator permissions.
Step 2: Under the "Settings" tab, select "Actions".
Step 3: Once in the "Actions" section, search for "Disclosure Fee" and select edit.
Step 4: Select the "Contacts" tab and select LodeStar. Enter the username and password provided by the LodeStar Customer Success Team.
***NOTE: If you are using the free LendingPad solution, LodeStar Discovery, you will use 'na' for both the username and the password.
Step 5: Navigate to the top left of the screen and click "Save Changes". Once saved, select "Activate Action".
Step 6: Confirm activation and you are ready to run your first LodeStar Quote!