Simple Flow:
**Before running a quote using LodeStar's "simple flow" within Vesta, please make sure to contact LodeStar's Support team to set up your preferred defaults.
Step 1: In Vesta’s admin portal, select "Integration Admin" and ensure your Lodestar instance is configured with the "Simple" flow selected.
Step 2: From the Pipeline view, select the loan you would like to pull closing costs on. Navigate to the Closing Costs page in the loan file. On the Closing Costs page, select “Pull closing costs” button, or select the "Actions" menu button in the top right corner, to pull closing costs.
Step 3: Lodestar results will populate in a preview window. Review and select "Confirm" to add these to the loan file.
Step 4: Once confirmed, a date and time stamp will be displayed on the closing cost table, and you’ll have the ability to re-pull fees, if needed.
Complex Flow:
Step 1: In Vesta’s admin portal, select Integration Admin and ensure your Lodestar instance is configured with the "Complex" flow selected.
Step 2: From the Pipeline view, select the loan you would like to pull closing costs on. Navigate to the Closing Costs page in the loan file. On the Closing Costs page, select “Pull closing costs” button, or select the "Actions" menu button in the top right corner, to pull closing costs.
Step 3: Confirm the Township from your loan (if applicable) and the service title agent from your available title agents.
Step 4: Select any applicable Endorsements from the drop down list, and confirm if the property will be held in a trust, or if an affidavit of affixture is required.
Step 5: Lodestar results will populate in a preview window. Review and select "Confirm" to add these to the loan file.
Step 6: Once confirmed, a date and time stamp will be displayed on the closing cost table, and you’ll have the ability to re-pull fees, if needed.