Below are the endorsements that we automatically quote based on the property type that is identified in field 1041 within Encompass.
ALTA 4, Condominium:
Fee ids: 131,162,450
Standard Fee Names: "ALTA 4 Condominium", "ALTA 4.1-06 Condominium - Lenders", "Endorsements - Condo", "ALTA 4 Endorsement"
ALTA 7, Manufactured Housing:
Fee ids: 456, 533, 165
Standard Fee Names: "ALTA 7 Endorsement", "Manufactured Housing"
ALTA 5, PUD (Planned Unit Development):
Fee ids: 6, 163, 187, 193, 452, 714
Standard Fee Names: "ALTA 5 Endorsement", "ALTA 5-06 PUD (Lender)", "ALTA 5.1 Planned Unit Development", "ALTA 5.1-06 Planned Unit Development - Lenders"
ALTA 6, Variable Rate (Identified in field 608):
Fee ids: 132, 164, 454
Standard Fee Names: "Endorsements - Variable Rate", "ALTA 6 Endorsement", "ALTA 6-06 Variable Rate"